The Power of Art

06 August 2024

On-Line Zoom August 2024

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The focus of this workshop is the use of imagery in healing.

We will discuss and explore experientially the energetic and emotional effects of using creative visualisation, looking at paintings, and understanding symbols and their impact on our chakra system and energy field.

We will broaden the workshop out into considering what kind of imagery really excites, interests and helps us to feel uplifted or touched in some way. Art is all around us. There is beauty in every line, shape, texture, and colour that we see. We are light beings and it is light that gives us colours. It is also the contrast of light and dark that excites us and draws our attention.
Each individual person interprets what they see differently – we project our own inner worlds on to what we see. And of course individual tastes in art generally vary enormously. Delcia will be sharing some of her own artwork from her recent exhibition ‘From spirit into matter’ as an exploratory resource for visualisation.
Meditative processes will be recorded and be available for your personal use after the workshop.

This workshop is for healers and therapists, and those committed to their own personal development journey. The fee is £39. To book your place email Delcia at She will then contact you with payment details.

Energy healer, psychotherapist, and artist, Delcia McNeil originally trained with the NFSH (now the Healing Trust) in the early 1980s. She has been teaching healing since 1983 and ran her own healer training school for twelve years. She later developed a Chakra Psychology programme and taught that for ten years. All her workshops and groups are on-line (zoom). She continues to teach and facilitate a Professional Supervision Support group for Healers, and a therapeutic art group called Paint Your Art Out. She also runs her Chakra Psychology course on a one -to one basis. Delcia is a full healer member of The Association for Therapeutic Healers and an Associate member of The Confederation of Healing Organisations.

07515 807366

The image above is one of Delcia’s artworks titled ‘Reflections on healing’
See more of her artwork at